Saturday, June 15, 2013

Rare Items

Kodama no Ki welscomes PrincessAii Resident. She makes rare items inspired by popular anime. Her most notable line of products is the spirit collectors, inspired by those in Inuyasha. You also won't miss the third-eye-on-your-forehead set. And there's more! Click here for TP.

Mesh Hakama And Kimono Set

There is new stuff at sakka Flow's shop in Kodama no Ki. Among that, a mesh hakama and kimono set for men. A must have! Demo and normal version are available here.

Motoko And More

Some time ago Jeremy Abrastraza has opened in Kodama no Ki. At his spot you will find a complete avatar of Motoko (Ghost in The Shell / Kōkaku Kidō-tai), and more. Click here for TP.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Moon And Rabbit

CHATNOIR Catnap has released a ripped sleeves kimono set for men, "Tsuki ni Usagi", is to say moon and rabbit. The set includes geta, sarashi and tabi. Click here for TP.

Lili and Alisa

Two cosplay outfits by Comicmax Itano, Tekken TT2's Lili and Alisa. Available here.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Luka and Rin

Aika Zadark has released two complete Vocaloid avatars: Luka Megurine and Rin Kagamine, append version. Both have a head that looks like your character is alive. Click here for TP.

Decorations for Girls' Day

I could not publicize this information in time for March 3rd (Hinamatsuri), but Toya Watanabe has released three sets of japanese decorations. Still useable for the cherry blossom (sakura) season! Available here.

New Shop

Some time ago tetsuya Andrew has opened his shop in Kodama no Ki!

You will find there various Japanese cultural goods, like Kyary Pamyu Pamyu outfits and Tokyo taxicabs. Worth a check. It's here!